All posts by cleb


So we have framed in two closets. For now I am just framing the sides and am going to leave the front open. I am thinking that something like a curtain in front will look nice and be easier to build. In both bedrooms on the left closet will be a desk area and on the right there will be a couple of shelves.

We also started the drywall ( ignore any gaps you see… the will be amazing gone once mud goes down πŸ™‚ ). The real fun is adding nailing surfaces in areas where they are not.

Here is a quick observation. When working on the second floor of a building with no stairs… what ever tool you need will be on the first floor.



We went down today and finished up the electrical room… just need to trim it and put the batons up. For the door I am looking on making it kind of hard to detect so I am putting it off for now.

I will be going down for a couple of days on Sunday so we are hoping to get the stairs and catwalk done and the closets framed in. once that in all set we will start on the drywall (my least favorite job. I got a EVDO network card from work for the week so I should be able to put photos up daily while down there.



I know it’s been a couple of weeks but family events have kept me away from getting anything much done. So what we have done is putting the batons on the porch ceiling get the ceiling framing started. We also framed in the electrical room (not pictured) and planted a couple of extra garden plants I have been growing in pots back home…

Also found the little critter below sunning him (or her) self. brought it home to show the kids and will be releasing it at our reservoir this weekend. The kids named him snappy πŸ™‚

Also say atleast 4 deer roaming through the property (one new born)

I am taking some time off of work soon to get some real work done… I also order my solar panels, charge controller and fuses for my power system. I will hope to install that next week if it arrives on time



This week we got most of the second floor electrical done (rest has to wait until we get some interior walls in), some of the second floor insulation, front porch ceiling, started electrical room (the platform on the side of the building). I also included a pic of my water barrels ( I have 5 so far).



We finished the first floor T&G. I included a panoramic photo of the first floor. We also trimmed out the three new windows, chinked the board and baton board on the North side of the first floor and put some filler in the exterior checks.

Also I found some 55 gallon food grade barrels on Craigslist for $10 each (held welches juice before I got them). So on the way home I picked up 5. I am going to use the for a rain water collection system for water for the cabin
